Hoffman Law Firm Columns Get Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness in Georgetown, SC

Hoffman Law Firm paints columns pink for Breast Cancer Awareness month in October
Hoffman Law Firm paints columns pink for Breast Cancer Awareness month in October at our Georgetown office

We welcome you to join Hoffman Law Firm in celebrating Breast Cancer Awareness month. We paint our columns pink in support and donate. Join today!

It’s bright and PINK outside! Here at our Georgetown office, Hoffman Law Firm celebrates the tradition of painting our columns pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We welcome you to join in this worldwide cause of breast cancer awareness, treatment and prevention. Let’s fight this, we know together we will overcome it!

Did you Know?

Higher Death Rates Among Black Women

  • Black women have the highest death rate from breast cancer.
  • The main reason Black women have a higher risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer is due to a more aggressive form called triple-negative breast cancer.

Age of Diagnosis

  • Black women are often diagnosed around age 60.
  • White women are usually diagnosed around age 64.

Survival Differences

  • At every age, Black women are more likely to die from breast cancer than women of other races or ethnicities.

Diagnosis Patterns

  • White, Asian, and Pacific Islander women are more often diagnosed with breast cancer that is localized (limited to one area).
  • Black, Hispanic, American Indian, and Alaska Native women are less likely to have localized breast cancer at diagnosis.

Lowest Death Rate

  • Asian and Pacific Islander women have the lowest death rate from breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Risk Factors

Major Risk Factors

  • Sex and Age
    • Women has the highest risk factor 
    • Older age

Family and Genetic Factors

  • Family History
    • Double the risk if a genetic relative in the immediate family has had breast cancer (ex. a mother, sister, or daughter)
    • 15% of women with breast cancer have a family member who was also diagnosed.
  • Genetics
    • 5% to 10% of cases are due to inherited gene mutations.
    • BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations are the most common.
      • BRCA1 mutation: Up to a 72% lifetime risk for women.
      • BRCA2 mutation: Up to a 69% lifetime risk for women.
      • BRCA2 mutation in men: About a 6.8% lifetime risk.
    • Most breast cancers (85%) happen in women without a family history, often due to genetic changes over time rather than inherited genes.

Breast Cancer in Men

  • Male Risk
    • Although rare, men can develop breast cancer.
    • Less than a 1% lifetime risk for men.
    • In 2024, around 2,790 new cases are expected, with approximately 530 deaths.
    • Men are suggested  age 50 or 10 years before the earliest known male breast cancer diagnosis in the family.

Sources: Breastcancer.org, American Cancer Society, & CDC: Breast Cancer Awareness

Help is Here: Breast Cancer Screening Near Georgetown

For better health, the U.S. The Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends that women 40-74 participate in breast cancer prevention and get a mammogram every two years. We want you to be at your best hea;th, so schedule a mammogram today!

Breast Cancer in Georgetown at Tidelands Health

Additional Resources:

National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc: Breast Cancer Awareness

CDC: Breast Cancer Awareness

Susan G. Komen: Breast Cancer

Hoffman Community Involvement Blogs: 

Pretty in Pink: Hoffman Law Firm Creates Awareness for Breast Cancer 2021

Think Pink: Hoffman Law Firm Raises Awareness 2020

Men Get Breast Cancer Too: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

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Any medical information referred to in or through our site is given as information only and is not intended:

  • as medical diagnosis or treatment
  • to replace consultation with a qualified medical practitioner
  • to advocate or recommend the purchase of any product or to endorse or guarantee the credentials or appropriateness of any health care provider

We strongly suggest you consult a healthcare professional for specific advice about your situation.

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